Your Situation
Vision & values

We understand that hearing loss affects far more than your ears. The consequences can impact on every part of your life: relationships, work, daily routines, confidence and self-esteem, every hour of the day.
Through shared experiences, advice and personal support from people who have been through similar experiences, we can help you, and your family and friends, adjust to the practical and emotional challenges of living with hearing loss.
Our vision
A world where everyone can enjoy life and participate fully and confidently, whatever their level of hearing.
In order to realise this, we will: reach out to people who are struggling to live with hearing loss, helping them adjust to the changes in their hearing and linking them to the right people, the right information and best possible support. And we’ll do this by:
- Creating opportunities for people who live with hearing loss to connect with one another, share experiences, develop confidence and skills, and access technological solutions and services enabling them to overcome the emotional and practical challenges they face every day
- Raising awareness and understanding so that everyone realises the profound impact of hearing loss.
Our values
- Personal: We take time to uncover each person’s unique needs and to support them and their wider circle of family, friends and colleagues.
- Dependable: We aim always to be there; offering hope and compassion to help people face the challenges of hearing loss.
- Flexible: We respond flexibly to the varied and changing needs of each individual.
- Enabling & empowering: We proactively engage with our beneficiaries and bring them together to help them make their own choices and take positive steps to improve their lives. We believe in the power of peer support to achieve this.
- Impartial & independent: We strive to stay free from external influences other than the needs of our beneficiaries.