
Making sure people with hearing loss count in the Census 2021

Next month (March 2021) all households in England and Wales will be asked to take part in the 2021 Census.

The once-in-a-decade survey is conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and provides the most accurate estimate of our communities.

The anonymised information gathered will highlight areas of deprivation, show the ethnic make-up of the country, and provide further understanding of our living arrangements, health, education, and the jobs we do. It will also help inform policy at a local and national level — such as decisions on doctors’ surgeries, house planning, and new bus routes – for years to come.

The census will also provide crucial insights into the impact of coronavirus on our society. During this time, the ONS is taking steps to ensure the census is accessible to everyone despite lockdowns.

People living with hearing loss are encouraged to take part in the census. It will is available first online and the ONS contact centre is also on hand to offer vital support via webchat, SMS text message and over the phone. Participants can also contact ONS via the ‘Contact US’ form on its website. Paper questionnaires are also available for anyone who needs to access them.

ONS also aims to provide in-person support to complete the survey online through Census Support Centres, where it is safe to do so, and will continue to monitor local and national restrictions across England and Wales to assess whether they can open.

No-one can identify you in the census statistics we publish as the ONS ensure they contain none of your personal information. Your census record will be kept secure for 100 years and only then can future generations view it.

Households will be sent a letter inviting them to take part in early March. Census day is 21 March.